Killing Eve (2018-2022) is a thriller series following a female serial killer and the disgraced government agent trying to track her down. The two women enter into a mutual obsession that threatens to destroy them both. (The author freely admits that she only watched the first two and a half seasons.)


don't blame me (love made me crazy) [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Mature

Multichapter. Villanelle goes to Alaska anyway. Eve is rescued, with strings attached. Featuring emotional repression, a lot of snow, and a road trip.

Eating of the tree, etc. [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Mature

2x03. In which Eve does not pull the fire alarm.

Vivisected [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Mature

It's about lust, both blood and regular. / You dream about slicing her open.
