Orphan Black (2013-2017) is a sci-fi thriller that follows a group of women who discover they are clones of each other, created for some nefarious purpose. Features: Tatiana Maslany as every character, toxic lesbianism, questions of bodily autonomy, etc. (The author stopped watching partway into season 3, but had a very prolific couple of years before that.)


take me away [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Mature

A few months post-s2. Cosima shows up at Delphine's hotel with a car and a duffel bag.

tell me what you want [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Explicit

Canon divergence in 2x08, in which Cosima and Delphine kick the nerd boys out of the lab to have angry sex.

Girl Meets Girl [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Mature

Multichapter. In which Delphine is the hot foreign exchange student and Cosima is in a girl band, for...some reason.

And the Sun Goes Down [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Teen & Up

Cosima and Delphine and betrayal. Again.

Artist/Muse [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Mature

Cosima buys a camera the first time she’s released from the hospital.


what are you, like 12? [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Teen & Up

Yes. They are literally 12. They are also huge losers.

Sharp Edges [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Mature

Rachel comes home early while Sarah is tied up in her shower.

Lakeside [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Teen & Up

Rachel. Sarah. Summer camp counselors.

Negotiations [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Teen & Up

Sarah goes in with no plan, no gun, nothing but the energy vibrating through her, making her hands shake. (She still has Beth’s gun but she doesn’t think she can ever use it again. She will tear Rachel apart with her fingernails if she has to.)

Other/various pairings

this is my show [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Explicit

Marion shows up at Delphine's office late at night. Yes, that's a very blatant porn setup. Set during s3.

truths we won't tell [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Mature

Cosima in Shay’s bed, trying to forget. Equal parts Cosima/Shay and Cosima/Delphine; set during s3e6.

I want to taste those ruby lips [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Explicit

Rachel Duncan, autoeroticism, and a mirror.

Shut You Up [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Explicit

Basically I thirst for a very specific Sarah/Cosima dynamic that involves makeouts and platonic love but no romantic feelings whatsoever. Context? What context? (See also: Delphine? What Delphine? Plot? What plot? etc.)

Gunpowder Afternoons [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Teen & Up

Written for Ace Beth Week. Canon-verse. A little bit of sad Beth/Paul, soccer cop if you squint.

Press into my skin again [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Mature

Sarah/Cal. The Scene from 2x03, expanded.

Riding in Cars With Girls [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Teen & Up

Teenage Cosima kissing girls.

Definition [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Teen & Up

A series of drabbles written from tumblr prompts based on obscure words.


Cardiectomy in Eight Steps [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Mature

When you are eight years old, your parents die in a fire. And you begin to remake yourself.

Hope is the thing with feathers [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Teen & Up

Helena, and wings.
