Person of Interest (2011-2016) is a procedural/thriller/drama series that follows a growing team of operatives that work outside the law to save lives. Beginning as a fairly standard procedural with a twist, the show evolves into an epic drama that will determine the fate of the world itself. Featuring: a superintelligent AI, a ruthless lesbian, Sarah Shahi.


Switchblade [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Mature

A number, a gala, a fancy bathroom.

on kissing in the line of fire [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Teen & Up

Root and Shaw mean different things when they kiss.

Shaw & The Machine

tell me again [AO3] [SqW]

Rating: Teen & Up

Shaw and the Machine, talking about Root—and what it means that the Machine took her voice.
